
This website reports the details of 5755 indiviuals of which 3010 are males, 2702 are females and 43 are sex unknown.
Of the 2022 individuals with recorded birth and death years, the average lifespan was 60.67 years.
Of these, 1085 males averaged 57.72 years, 928 females averaged 64.47 years and 9 sex unknown averaged 23.22 years.
The longest living male was Moses Haim Montefiore who died age 101 years. The longest living female was Maude Catherine Priddy, who died aged 104 years.
There are a total of 1258 different surnames. There are 2,054 families reported. Of these, 1,264 are reported as having children, with an average of 2.95 children per family.
The most children were had by the couple Moses Vita Haim Montefiore and Esther Hannah Racah. They had 17 children.
There are currently 194 individuals with links to Epitaph photos.View Epitaph Photo

This file has been generated by GedReporter on Mar 13, 2022